Introduction to Letter Formation – d and o

This activity is part of our Guided Language Activities (GLA) programme.

The GLAs come with a range of literacy-based resources that link in with the units. Each unit focuses on introducing key words and structures around a topic.

Handwriting is an important skill and one that newly arrived pupils may or may not have mastered, depending on their previous experience of schooling, as well as the script they are used to in their home language.


This resource is available to members with the following subscription packages - VIP Membership.


This activity is part of our Guided Language Activities (GLA) programme.

The GLAs come with a range of literacy-based resources that link in with the units. Each unit focuses on introducing key words and structures around a topic.

Handwriting is an important skill and one that newly arrived pupils may or may not have mastered, depending on their previous experience of schooling, as well as the script they are used to in their home language.

This activity is one of 18 that can be introduced in the classroom or be given as homework. It will help children to learn how individual letter are constructed in English. Each letter is supported by a photograph with the corresponding initial sound. This gives the exercise a context, which is important with any language learning activity.


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